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  • Donations

    To help us pay for the service provided for Hellenic vACC, we have set up a PayPal donation option. Any donation, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated.


    Thank you for your support!

    €40,00 out of our goal of €200,00 is currently raised for 2025 (€160,00 remaining).

    Our Agreement

    When accepting donations, HvACC agrees:

    • Every EURO donated will be utilised to fund necessary resources and events within the HvACC. Donations will be accepted via PayPal and as such your financial commitment will be guaranteed.
    • To continue to work proactively to grow our community and will do its utmost to constantly improve the experience that members receive.
    • To publish the income and expenditure of the HvACC on a quarterly basis via our  forum.
    • To publish any financial bids for money along with their outcomes and decisions made.
    • To compare service provisions from a range of providers wherever possible and assess the return on investment to ensure we continue to receive the best value for money.
    • Not to disclose the personal details of anyone that has donated.
    • Not to treat those who do and don’t donate any differently.
    • To only accept donations totalling a reasonable amount that will not exceed twice our expected annual expenditure.
    • To hold excess donations in reserve for when they are required in future financial years.
    • To hold a yearly, independent audit of the accounts and publish the outcome.

    Your Agreement

    By donating towards the HvACC, you agree:

    • That your financial contribution is solely an act of goodwill and that such a contribution does not grant you with any higher say in how the HvACC is run.
    • That you will never use the fact that you have made a financial contribution as a tool to attempt to influence or intimidate staff members or the general membership.
    • Not to use the fact that you have made a financial contribution for elevating your status within the HvACC, not to attempt to “bribe” the HvACC into granting you special privileges or expect any return or preferences in this process.
    • Not to advertise or disclose your donation in any public communication medium.
    • That any monetary donation will have no bearing on disciplinary proceedings being carried out by a Supervisor, DCRM or member of Staff.
    • That once your donation has been processed, you have surrendered your right to claim your money back at any time.
    • You confirm that you are 18 years or older.
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